Source code for topologic.statistics.edge_weights

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union
import logging
from .defined_histogram import DefinedHistogram
from .make_cuts import MakeCuts, filter_function_for_make_cuts

[docs]def histogram_edge_weight( graph: nx.Graph, bin_directive: Union[int, List[Union[float, int]], np.ndarray, str] = 10, weight_attribute: str = "weight", ) -> DefinedHistogram: """ Generates a histogram of the edge weights of the provided graph. Histogram function is fundamentally proxied through to numpy's `histogram` function, and bin selection follows `numpy.histogram` processes. *Note*: Edges without a `weight_attribute` field will be excluded from this histogram. Enable logging to view any messages about edges without weights. :param networkx.Graph graph: the graph. No changes will be made to it. :param bin_directive: Is passed directly through to numpy's "histogram" (and thus, "histogram_bin_edges") functions. See: In short description: if an int is provided, we use `bin_directive` number of equal range bins. If a sequence is provided, these bin edges will be used and can be sized to whatever size you prefer Note that the np.ndarray should be ndim=1 and the values should be float or int. :type bin_directive: Union[int, List[Union[float, int]], numpy.ndarray, str] :param str weight_attribute: The weight attribute name in the data dictionary. Default is `weight`. :return: A named tuple that contains the histogram and the bin_edges used in the histogram :rtype: DefinedHistogram """ # noqa:501 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) edge_weights: List[Union[int, float, None]] = [ weight for _, _, weight in graph.edges(data=weight_attribute) ] none_weights: List[None] = [weight for weight in edge_weights if weight is None] actual_weights: List[Union[int, float]] = [weight for weight in edge_weights if weight is not None] if len(none_weights) != 0: logger.warning(f"Graph contains {len(none_weights)} edges with no {weight_attribute}." + f" Histogram excludes these values.") histogram, bin_edges = np.histogram( actual_weights, bin_directive ) return DefinedHistogram(histogram=histogram, bin_edges=bin_edges)
[docs]def cut_edges_by_weight( graph: nx.Graph, cut_threshold: Union[int, float], cut_process: MakeCuts, weight_attribute: str = "weight", prune_isolates: bool = False ) -> nx.Graph: """ Given a graph, a cut threshold, and a cut_process, create a new Graph that contains only the edges that are not pruned. *Note*: Edges without a `weight_attribute` field will be excluded from these cuts. Enable logging to view any messages about edges without weights. :param networkx.Graph graph: The graph that will be copied and pruned. :param cut_threshold: The threshold for making cuts based on weight. :type cut_threshold: Union[int, float] :param MakeCuts cut_process: Describes how we should make the cut; cut all edges larger or smaller than the cut_threshold, and whether exclusive or inclusive. :param str weight_attribute: The weight attribute name in the data dictionary. Default is `weight`. :param bool prune_isolates: If true, remove any vertex that no longer has an edge. Note that this only prunes vertices which have edges to be pruned; any isolate vertex prior to any edge cut will be retained. :return: Pruned copy of the graph :rtype: networkx.Graph """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) graph_copy = graph.copy() edge_weights: List[Tuple[Tuple[Any, Any], Union[int, float, None]]] = [ ((source, target), weight) for source, target, weight in graph.edges(data=weight_attribute) ] none_weights: List[Tuple[Tuple[Any, Any], None]] = [ (edge, weight) for edge, weight in edge_weights if weight is None ] actual_weights: List[Tuple[Tuple[Any, Any], Union[int, float]]] = [ (edge, weight) for edge, weight in edge_weights if weight is not None ] if len(none_weights) != 0: logger.warning(f"Graph contains {len(none_weights)} edges with no {weight_attribute}." + f"Ignoring these when cutting by weight") filter_by = filter_function_for_make_cuts(cut_threshold, cut_process) edges_to_cut = [x for x in actual_weights if filter_by(x)] for edge, weight in edges_to_cut: source, target = edge if source in graph_copy and target in graph_copy and target in graph_copy[source]: graph_copy.remove_edge(source, target) if prune_isolates: if len(graph_copy[source]) == 0: graph_copy.remove_node(source) if len(graph_copy[target]) == 0: graph_copy.remove_node(target) return graph_copy