Source code for

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import csv
import _csv  # typeshed is totally broken with csv module right now
import itertools
from io import StringIO
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, TextIO, Union

from ..exceptions import DialectException

def _replace_invalid_characters(input_str: str) -> str:
    return input_str.replace("#", "")

[docs]class CsvDataset: # sys.maxsize works just fine on linux, but on windows it fails badly with the message # OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long # fun fact: any number > 2^31-1 makes it fail. C long my butt. FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT = 2 ** 31 - 1 def __init__( self, source_iterator: Union[TextIO, Iterator[str]], has_headers: Optional[bool] = None, dialect: Optional[Union[str, csv.Dialect]] = None, use_headers: Optional[List[str]] = None, sample_size: int = 50 ): """ Creates a CsvDataset based on the csv configuration information and the provided Iterator If configuration information is omitted for headers or dialect, we attempt to sniff it out based on a small sample size taken from the top of the iterator. :param Iterator[str] source_iterator: Any configured Iterator that will provide the underlying basis of our data :param Optional[bool] has_headers: True if we know it has headers, False if we know it does not, or None if we don't know :param dialect: If we know the dialect, we will use it. If we don't know, it will be None and we'll attempt to sniff for it :type dialect: Optional[Union[str, csv.Dialect]] :param Optional[List[str]] use_headers: Provide known headers if we want to use them regardless of the underlying source. If the underlying iterator still has headers present, ensure that has_headers is set to True. *Note* use_headers takes precedence over any sniffing. :param int sample_size: Number of iterations through the iterator we should use to generate our sample set for sniffing. Only used if we must sniff anything. Defaults to 50 rows. :raises DialectException: If a dialect is not provided and one can not be reliably sniffed in the sample size provided """ # remove all pound signs before use! networkx Graphs behave very poorly if you have an octothorpe in them! filtered_source_iterator = map(_replace_invalid_characters, source_iterator) base_iterator, sniff_iterator = itertools.tee(filtered_source_iterator) sample_blob = self._sample_blob(dialect, has_headers, use_headers, sniff_iterator, sample_size) del sniff_iterator self._dialect: Union[_csv.Dialect, csv.Dialect] = csv.excel() if dialect is None: if sample_blob is None: raise DialectException( f"A dialect was not provided and one was not able to be sniffed; a sample was unable to be obtained" f" from the csv reader" ) sniffed_dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(sample_blob) if sniffed_dialect is None: raise DialectException( f"A dialect was not provided and one was not able to be sniffed with a sample size of {sample_size}" ) self._dialect = sniffed_dialect() else: if isinstance(dialect, csv.Dialect) or isinstance(dialect, _csv.Dialect): self._dialect = dialect else: self._dialect = csv.get_dialect(dialect) csv.field_size_limit(self.FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT) self._csv_reader: Iterator[List[str]] = csv.reader(base_iterator, self._dialect) if use_headers is not None: # regardless, use the configured values self._headers = use_headers if has_headers: # advance the reader next(self._csv_reader) elif has_headers is True: # we weren't given headers to use and we were told there are headers, so we're using those self._headers = next(self._csv_reader) else: if sample_blob is None: raise Exception(f"Unable to read any data from {source_iterator} to read headers") if has_headers is False or not csv.Sniffer().has_header(sample_blob): # generating our own based on a the the maximum count of columns in our sample set self._headers = self._generate_headers(sample_blob) else: # has headers is None and the sniffer thinks it found something self._headers = next(self._csv_reader) def _generate_headers(self, sample_blob: str) -> List[str]: sample_reader = csv.reader(StringIO(sample_blob), self._dialect) max_column_count = max(map(lambda x: len(x), sample_reader)) return list(map(lambda x: f"Attribute {x}", range(0, max_column_count))) def _should_collect_sample(self, dialect: str, has_headers: Optional[bool], use_headers: List[str]) -> bool: # if a dialect isn't provided, we collect a sample to use in sniffing # if we aren't told about header existence or we are told there are no headers and we are not given a set of # headers to use instead, we will collect a sample to use in header generation if dialect is None: return True if use_headers is None and has_headers is not True: return True return False def _sample_blob( self, dialect, has_headers, use_headers, sniff_iterator, sample_size ) -> Optional[str]: if self._should_collect_sample(dialect, has_headers, use_headers): return "".join( self._extract_sample( sniff_iterator, sample_size ) ) return None @staticmethod def _extract_sample(sniff_iterator: Iterator[str], sample_size: int) -> List[str]: sample = list(itertools.islice(sniff_iterator, sample_size)) return sample
[docs] def headers(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: Returns a *copy* of the headers. :rtype: List[str] """ return self._headers.copy()
[docs] def reader(self) -> Iterator[List[str]]: """ :return: Returns a properly configured csv reader for a given dialect :rtype: Iterator[List[str]] """ return self._csv_reader
[docs] def dialect(self) -> Union[_csv.Dialect, csv.Dialect]: """ Note: return type information is broken due to typeshed issues with the csv module. :return: Dialect used within this CsvDataset for the csv.reader. :rtype: Union[_csv.Dialect, csv.Dialect] """ return self._dialect