Source code for topologic.graph_augmentation

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import rankdata

from . import assertions

[docs]def self_loop_augmentation( graph: nx.classes.graph.Graph, weight_column: str = 'weight' ) -> nx.Graph: """ Generates a self loop for each vertex in the graph with a generated weight for each vertex that is the ratio between its degree in the graph and the total number of *other* vertices in the graph, excluding the original self loop. This should be used prior to Spectral Embedding techniques to ensure that there is a reasonable value for each vertex as it will appear in an adjacency matrix. Modifies the provided graph in place as well as returning it. :param networkx.Graph graph: The networkx graph to diagonally augment :param str weight_column: The weight column to augment :return: The networkx Graph object that was modified in place. :rtype: networkx.Graph """ assertions.assert_is_graph(graph) vertices = graph.nodes() vertex_count = len(vertices) for vertex in vertices: # remove self loops if graph.has_edge(vertex, vertex): graph.remove_edge(vertex, vertex) degree = # add the augmented weight back onto the diagonal graph.add_edge(vertex, vertex) graph[vertex][vertex][weight_column] = degree / (vertex_count - 1) return graph
def __scale_edge_weights__(weight, edge_count): # This is meant to scale edge weights between 0 and 2 return (weight * 2) / (edge_count + 1) def rank_edges( graph: nx.Graph, weight_column: str = 'weight' ) -> nx.Graph: """ Ranks the edges of a networkx.classes.graph.Graph object according to the values associated to the `weight_column` in the edge attributes :param networkx.Graph graph: The graph we will rank the edges in. MUST contain an attribute that corresponds to `weight_column` (default value: `weight`) :param str weight_column: edge attribute that contains the weight value. Default is `weight` :return: Updated graph with new weights between 0 and 2, exclusive. Based on scipy.stats rankdata function. :rtype: networkx.Graph :raise UnweightedGraphException: if the graph not weighted by the provided `weight_column` :raise TypeError: If the `graph` provided is not an `nx.Graph` :examples: >>> g = nx.Graph() >>> g.add_edge("1", "2", weight=3) >>> g.add_edge("2", "3", weight=4) >>> g.add_edge("4", "5", weight=2) >>> g = rank_edges(g) >>> g.edges(data=True) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE EdgeDataView([('1', '2', {'weight': 1.0}), ('2', '3', {'weight': 1.5}), ('4', '5', {'weight': 0.5})]) """ assertions.assert_is_weighted_graph(graph, weight_column) edge_count = len(graph.edges) edge_data = graph.edges(data=True) edges = np.array( list( map( lambda x: x[2][weight_column], edge_data ) ), np.float64 ) ranked_values = rankdata(edges) i = 0 for source, target, data in edge_data: data[weight_column] = __scale_edge_weights__(ranked_values[i], edge_count) i += 1 return graph