Source code for topologic.connected_components

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import networkx as nx
from . import assertions
from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, Set

[docs]def largest_connected_component(graph: nx.Graph, weakly: bool = True) -> nx.Graph: """ Returns the largest connected component of the graph. :param networkx.Graph graph: The networkx graph object to select the largest connected component from. Can be either directed or undirected. :param bool weakly: Whether to find weakly connected components or strongly connected components for directed graphs. :return: A copy of the largest connected component as an nx.Graph object :rtype: networkx.Graph """ connected_component_function = _connected_component_func(graph, weakly) largest_component = max(connected_component_function(graph), key=len) return graph.subgraph(largest_component).copy()
[docs]def connected_components_generator(graph: nx.Graph) -> Generator[nx.Graph, None, None]: """ Returns a Generator that will provide each component as a networkx.Graph copy :param networkx.Graph graph: The networkx graph object to create a connected component generator from :return: A Generator that returns a copy of the subgraph corresponding to a connected component of `graph` :rtype: Generator[networkx.Graph] """ connected_component_function = _connected_component_func(graph) for component in connected_component_function(graph): yield graph.subgraph(component).copy()
[docs]def number_connected_components(graph: nx.Graph) -> int: """ Returns the number of connected components in the Graph. This function calls the appropriate newtorkx connected components function depending on whether it is Undirected or Directed. :param networkx.Graph graph: The networkx graph object to determine the number of connected components for :return: number of connected components (and in the case of a directed graph, strongly connected) :rtype: int """ number_cc_func = _number_connected_components_func(graph) return number_cc_func(graph)
def _connected_component_func( graph: nx.Graph, weakly: bool = True ) -> Callable[[nx.Graph], Generator[Set[Any], None, None]]: assertions.assert_is_graph(graph) if not nx.is_directed(graph): return nx.connected_components elif weakly: return nx.weakly_connected_components else: return nx.strongly_connected_components def _number_connected_components_func(graph: nx.Graph) -> Callable[[nx.Graph], int]: assertions.assert_is_graph(graph) if not nx.is_directed(graph): return nx.number_connected_components else: return nx.number_strongly_connected_components