Source code for topologic.projection.vertex_projections

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import networkx as nx

from typing import Callable, List, Optional
from ._common import ATTRIBUTES, metadata_to_dict

__all__ = ["vertex_with_collection_metadata", "vertex_with_single_metadata"]

[docs]def vertex_with_collection_metadata( headers: List[str], vertex_id_index: int, ignored_values: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Callable[[nx.Graph], Callable[[List[str]], None]]: """ This function is an unlikely function to use; if you have vertex metadata you wish to load into the networkx.Graph where the vertex_id is repeated, it would be a better choice for you to compact those into a single record with a specific, string representable format of multiple metadata entries. However, this function can be used when you aren't sure what you have. Like the edge_with_collection_metadata projection, this function will create a List of dictionaries for each instance of metadata it sees for a given vertex_id. Note: If the vertex_id for a given row does not exist in the graph, NO METADATA WILL BE RETAINED. See package docstrings for more details on these currying functions. :param List[str] headers: Headers from a CSV row to use as metadata attribute keys :param int vertex_id_index: The index in the CSV data row to use as the vertex id in this graph :param Optional[List[str]] ignored_values: Optional. A list of values to ignore if present in the row, such as "NULL" or "" :return: A partially applied function that partially applies yet more arguments prior to the final operation function :rtype: Callable[[networkx.Graph], Callable[[List[str]], None]] """ if not ignored_values: ignored_values = [] def _configure_graph( graph: nx.Graph ) -> Callable[[List[str]], None]: def _vertex_with_collection_metadata(row: List[str]): vertex_id = row[vertex_id_index] # don't add anything if the vertex isn't even in the graph. if vertex_id in graph: row_metadata = metadata_to_dict( row, [vertex_id_index], ignored_values, headers ) if not graph.nodes[vertex_id].get(ATTRIBUTES): graph.nodes[vertex_id][ATTRIBUTES] = [] previous_metadata = graph.nodes[vertex_id][ATTRIBUTES] previous_metadata.append(row_metadata) return _vertex_with_collection_metadata return _configure_graph
[docs]def vertex_with_single_metadata( headers: List[str], vertex_id_index: int, ignored_values: List[str] = None ) -> Callable[[nx.Graph], Callable[[List[str]], None]]: """ Function will project vertex metadata into the graph. If prior data exists for the vertex_id, the later instance of data for the vertex_id will clobber it. Note: If the vertex_id for a given row does not exist in the graph, NO METADATA WILL BE RETAINED. See package docstrings for more details on these currying functions and on the attributes datastructure. :param List[str] headers: Headers from a CSV row to use as metadata attribute keys :param int vertex_id_index: The index in the CSV data row to use as the vertex id in this graph :param Optional[List[str]] ignored_values: Optional. A list of values to ignore if present in the row, such as "NULL" or "" :return: A partially applied function that partially applies yet more arguments prior to the final operation function :rtype: Callable[[networkx.Graph], Callable[[List[str]], None]] """ if not ignored_values: ignored_values = [] def _configure_graph( graph: nx.Graph ) -> Callable[[List[str]], None]: def _vertex_with_single_metadata(row: List[str]): vertex_id = row[vertex_id_index] if vertex_id in graph: current_vertex_metadata = metadata_to_dict( row, [vertex_id_index], ignored_values, headers ) # clobber the existing attributes graph.nodes[vertex_id][ATTRIBUTES] = [current_vertex_metadata] return _vertex_with_single_metadata return _configure_graph