Source code for topologic.partition.modularity

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import math
import networkx as nx
import community
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict
import warnings
from .. import assertions
from ..partitioned_graph import PartitionedGraph

[docs]def q_score( partitioned_graph: PartitionedGraph, weight_column: str = 'weight' ) -> float: """ Deprecated: See modularity() for replacement. Given a topologic PartitionedGraph, return the q score - or modularity of a graph. See also: :param partitioned_graph: Partitioned graph contains a dictionary of all the communities in a graph, optimized for best modularity. This partition structure is used when computing final q_score / modularity of graph. :type partitioned_graph: Optional[topologic.PartitionedGraph] :param str weight_column: weight column to use in computing modularity. :raise UnweightedGraphError: if graph does not contain weight_column in edge attributes :raise KeyError: If the partition is not a partition of all graph nodes. This should not occur if PartitionedGraph is recently created and no changes occurred to the underlying networkx.Graph object. :raise ValueError: If the graph has no links. :raise TypeError: If partitioned_graph is not of type topologic.PartitionedGraph :return: q_score, or modularity, of this graph using the provided partitioning scheme. :rtype: float """ warnings.warn( "topologic.partition.q_score() has been deprecated in favor of topologic.partition.modularity()", DeprecationWarning ) if isinstance(partitioned_graph, PartitionedGraph): partition = partitioned_graph.community_partitions extracted_graph = partitioned_graph.graph assertions.assert_is_weighted(extracted_graph) else: raise TypeError('Expected type topologic.PartitionedGraph') return community.modularity(partition, extracted_graph, weight_column)
[docs]def modularity( graph: nx.Graph, partitions: Dict[Any, int], weight_attribute: str = "weight", resolution: float = 1.0 ) -> float: """ Given an undirected graph and a dictionary of vertices to community ids, calculate the modularity. See also: :param nx.Graph graph: An undirected graph :param Dict[Any, int] partitions: A dictionary representing a community partitioning scheme with the keys being the vertex and the value being a community id. Within topologic, these community ids are required to be ints. :param str weight_attribute: The edge data attribute on the graph that contains a float weight for the edge. :param float resolution: The resolution to use when calculating the modularity. :return: The modularity quality score for the given network and community partition schema. :raise TypeError: If the graph is not a networkx Graph :raise ValueError: If the graph is unweighted :raise ValueError: If the graph is directed """ assertions.assert_is_graph(graph) assertions.assert_is_weighted(graph, weight_attribute) assertions.assert_is_undirected(graph) components = modularity_components(graph, partitions, weight_attribute, resolution) return sum(components.values())
def _modularity_component( intra_community_degree: float, total_community_degree: float, network_degree_sum: float, resolution: float ) -> float: community_degree_ratio = math.pow(total_community_degree, 2.0) / (2.0 * network_degree_sum) return (intra_community_degree - resolution * community_degree_ratio) / (2.0 * network_degree_sum)
[docs]def modularity_components( graph: nx.Graph, partitions: Dict[Any, int], weight_attribute: str = "weight", resolution: float = 1.0, ) -> Dict[int, float]: """ Given an undirected, weighted graph and a community partition dictionary, calculates a modularity quantum for each community ID. The sum of these quanta is the modularity of the graph and partitions provided. :param nx.Graph graph: An undirected graph :param Dict[Any, int] partitions: A dictionary representing a community partitioning scheme with the keys being the vertex and the value being a community id. Within topologic, these community ids are required to be ints. :param str weight_attribute: The edge data attribute on the graph that contains a float weight for the edge. :param float resolution: The resolution to use when calculating the modularity. :return: A dictionary of the community id to the modularity component of that community :rtype: Dict[int, float] :raise TypeError: If the graph is not a networkx Graph :raise ValueError: If the graph is unweighted :raise ValueError: If the graph is directed """ assertions.assert_is_graph(graph) assertions.assert_is_weighted(graph, weight_attribute) assertions.assert_is_undirected(graph) total_edge_weight = 0.0 communities = set(partitions.values()) degree_sums_within_community: Dict[int, float] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0) degree_sums_for_community: Dict[int, float] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0) for vertex, neighbor_vertex, weight in graph.edges(data=weight_attribute): vertex_community = partitions[vertex] neighbor_community = partitions[neighbor_vertex] if vertex_community == neighbor_community: if vertex == neighbor_vertex: degree_sums_within_community[vertex_community] += weight else: degree_sums_within_community[vertex_community] += weight * 2.0 degree_sums_for_community[vertex_community] += weight degree_sums_for_community[neighbor_community] += weight total_edge_weight += weight return {comm: _modularity_component( degree_sums_within_community[comm], degree_sums_for_community[comm], total_edge_weight, resolution ) for comm in communities}